December 31

The 23:59 Ditty

So that was that
It’s all come to an end
A year of daft ditties
You thought would ever end

Some were quite funny
Some were very deep
Some were just silly
Others, very deep

Whatever you thought of them
I hope you enjoyed the ride
Time to see in the Bells now
It’s time to get pie-eyed

To those that popped in once in a while
I raise my glass for chinking
To those that were here from the very start
What the fuck were you lot thinking?

December 30

Finally, the lurgy hits

A different year;
a different sickness
only the change in years
indicate I have fallen
and am again
dominated by illness

At least I am
unlikely to suffer
from the bitter hands
of a new year hangover

And I have proved
only so many bright
orange glasses of Berocca
will work before it gets you